Hello guys! bz week kah? hehe bah on to business, regarding the photoshoot, its still unconfirmed bila ni. There is a poll to your right just below the shoutbox where Team R members can vote on their availability. Semua malam plg ni. Venue bulih confirm at a later date. Ani kai majority lah ah since I know there is a chance nda semua dpt dtg, but please try to come coz kan tarus collection untuk baju team.
Kalau sekiranya tah nda dpt dtg for photoshoot, R2 will be available to collect the money. Contact sja ya and jumpa mana2 lah. Kalau banyak tani collection lagi banyak diskaunya kan, nah sapa yg tertinggal krg rugi jua tu heheh. Bah atu saja dlu ok!
Don't Forget to vote!